
Continuing Professional Development Resources

Digital Authentication

Ethics and Diversity Training

Equity, diversity, and inclusion for engineers and geoscientists course developed by Engineers Canada in partnership with EGBC, is now available on EGBC's Knowledge Centre website. This course is free to all engineers and geoscientists across Canada on the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Knowledge Centre. If users are not an EGBC registrant, and do not already have an existing account, they can proceed to creating a new account before completing the checkout process. The course is eligible for 1 Continuing Education Hour of Ethical Learning. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate of completion. This course is also listed on the Engineers Canada Website.

Green Building Links

    Passive House Accelerator - Excellent PH resources, articles, videos, podcasts, magazines, highlight projects - presentations and discussions every Tuesday and Wednesday at 4:00 PM with 100+ Builders and design professionals on line asking questions and sharing expertise, techniques, contacts after the presentation. Free - You won't be disappointed.
  • Passive House Canada - This is where you go to get official Passive House training and certification.
  • Passive Buildings Canada - "Canada's first national non-profit organization supporting the passive house community to build a more sustainable Canada and planet"
  • Green Building Council - Zero Carbon Building Events & Education - LEED certification - Zero emission building information, etc. - On demand webinars - fees apply, discounts for CGBC members
  • Construction Instruction - Building Science Education for all - Excellent resource - how to videos, webinars, building science library - Free information and mobile app

Teacher Resources