Continuing Professional Development Seminars
Unconscious Bias, Microaggressions and Understanding Communication Styles
October 15th
Engineers Yukon is pleased to offer a special training opportunity on timely topics that are important to all members and non-members alike.
Engineers Yukon has arranged for Cheryl Kristiansen, P.Eng. of the WinSETT organization to provide presentations on the following topics:
- Unconscious Bias
- Microaggressions
- Understanding Communication Styles
When: October 15th, 2020, 10:30 am - 5:00 pm (3 x 90-minute sessions plus breaks)
How: Zoom
Who: Open to all members and non-members but limited to first 30 people.
- $75 for members
- $125 for non-members
Note that the pricing is significantly below market value and the typical cost of attending these sessions elsewhere.
Other: Participants must sign up for all events.
Registration Deadline: Must register and pay by Tuesday, October 13th.
Please see attachments below for information on each subject and the presenter:
Cheryl Kristiansen, P.Eng.
Unconscious Bias
Communication Styles